Tuesday, October 12, 2010

OMG! how many ice cream flavors are there??

I love starwberry ice cream and cheescake ice cream but, but when i hear there is  fish flavor ice cream and eggplant flavore. I think for a moment and ask WHY?? but then i tell my self they are parts of some cultures and gota be respected....
                                                             Fish ice cream =$

                                                                    Eggplant ice cream

But i must say, some flavores i am tempted to try ;) like the deep sea water ice cream and tulip ice cream.

                                                           Deep sea water ice cream..hmm
                                                           i wonder how that will taste..

                                                              Tulip ice cream! how cute <3

Just when i thout it cant get any weirder in the ice cream world i desover some pretty hilarius flavors Garlic ice cream, Dracula cool garlic ice cream, Potato liqure ice cream looooooool

                                                               Garlic ice cream wow

                                                             Dracula cool garlic ice cream lol

                                                          Potato liquer ice cream...i kinda
                                                           got worried about some of these
                                                           ice cream companies lol

But then i saw what seemed to be out of this universe and got me asking HOW???

                                                           Silk ice cream HOWWW?

                                                            Charcoal ice cream......!!!!

                                                          Pearl ice cream! any diamonds and gold ;)

But it's really nice to know there is a wide variaty of flavores to choose from.

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